Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hilton Brand Hospitality

This morning I met with the rest of my group members in Robert Purcell Community Center's computer lab at 10:00 AM. We immediately set work on refining our PowerPoint presentation. The next one and a half hours taught me a lot about compromise; the group got into multiple arguments over how the presentation should look, but we were able to quickly resolve these issues through negotiation. Thanks to this experience  I was able to learn of the importance of sacrificing one's personal preferences for the sake of completing a common, overarching goal.

At 12:00 PM, we had our first consultation with Mark. My group nervously ran through our presentation, and although there was a bit of stumbling and stuttering here and there, we ultimately gave a modest performance. Mark was very supportive and receptive, highlighting our strengths whilst also giving us advice on how to we could improve our presentation.

Rattled after our mock presentation, we decided to take a lunchbreak. However, with our usual lunch hall closed and the dining hall in Robert Purcell Community Center too far aware, we found ourselves with very little options. We began tirelessly searching the vicinity for food before we finally decided on the Statler Hotel's restaurant, where we enjoyed a delicious brunch buffet. The buffet boasted a wide variety scrumptious foods, such as beef salad and lamb crops, as well as a delightful assortment of desserts that included crepes and creme brulee.

The next several hours were spent rehearsing and reworking our presentation. We practiced over thirty times, coming up with new ideas and giving each other feedback all the while.

At 6:35 PM, we gave our second mock presentation, although this time it was with one of our Teaching Assistants, Rico, rather than Mark. While I was in the middle of my part, Mark stepped in and congratulated us on efficiently incorporating his suggestions. He also made a show of congratulating me for being able to project my voice, a skill that I am often told that I am lacking.

My group and I ate a late dinner and then returned to Robert Purcell Community Center's computer lab, where we put the finishing touches on our presentation. I'm quite proud of what our project has become, and I'm confident that today's hard work will be sure to pay off!

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