Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It Is Inevitable

Today's lecture and discussion were focused on part two of our Marx discussion. With the belief of economic determinism, Marx asserts that economic forces that determine the shape of history, as well as politics, religion, philosophy and law. Because of this, there is a certain sense of inevitability about history's path. For Marx, the Communist revolution is inevitable as tensions between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie intensify. Eventually, this will lead to some sort of Communist Utopia that he cannot specify because such a society has not emerged yet.

After lunch, we reconvened for our final writing workshop. Our Plato essays are due tomorrow so Nolan wanted to go over the importance of quotations and citations. Once class ended, many of the students from my discussion section arrived for Nolan's office hours-myself included-to get last minute revisions and advice regarding our essays. Later in the evening, Jenna, Tamilyn, and I spent some time peer reviewing each others' essays so we could get additional feedback before making the final adjustments.

In about 48 hours, my time in the East Coast will end and I will be back home. It is inevitable that I will have to leave all of the wonderful friends I have made at Cornell and return to my normal life; this is definitely a bittersweet feeling. But now, it is also inevitable that I will have to face the final hurdle of the Freedom and Justice course: the final exam. Tomorrow will prove to be challenging but I will study rigorously and make sure that I do everything in my power to end the course successfully.

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